Bill Krull
Law Clerk
Bill is a skilled law clerk who is passionate about his work and the impact it has on clients. Bill is certified by the California State Bar to practice under supervision, which allows him to participate in all aspects of the litigation process.
Bill began his law school career at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, before finishing his education at Santa Clara University School of Law. While in law school, Bill gained experience in multiple areas while clerking for a non-profit legal aid organization, Elevate Community Center. During his time at Elevate, he drafted complaints, motions, and petitions for cases primarily involving landlord/tenant disputes, criminal record expungement, business litigation, and family law. He also was elected as an editor for the Santa Clara Law Review, Volumes 62 and 63.
At Gates Eisenhart Dawson, Bill added to this experience by defending an expert deposition and appearing for hearings in criminal, probate, and civil court. After sitting for the July 2023 California State Bar exam, he will return full-time to use his skills and passion to help fulfill our clients’ needs.